Saturday, September 30, 2017


As far as the gay marriage lobby is concerned, the rights of children and adolescents to be taught in a school curriculum that upholds traditional values and the roles of males and females in society doesn't even figure in the equation.

The very believable information contained in the Coalition For Marriage's Australia wide public mail out should be enough to scare every parent out there who wants their child to be educated with some semblance of traditional values.

Without any forced indoctrination of them learning about gay and lesbian sex and gender fluidity, which if the gay marriage lobby gets its way, will strip parents and guardians of their rights to oppose having their child brainwashed by asexual, gender neutral hogwash.

This has positively nothing to do with gay rights and everything to do with radical and unhinged social engineering.

Those pushing the agenda for entire school curriculums to be completely desexed as it were, with their aim being to literally ban references to boys and girls and eliminate any differentiation between males and females in all schools, seriously need to get a life.

We are all born male and female for a reason. Whether the gay marriage lobby wants to admit it or not, a male's sperm and a female's eggs are still an essential requirement to create life. Teaching kids that won't corrupt them like this other boloney.

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