Wednesday, September 27, 2023


Support for the Voice to parliament continues to plunge because of various factors, not least of which that a large percentage of Australians are still genuinely deeply concerned about its unknown constitutional ramifications. 

Considering the tricky and ambiguous manner in which Anthony Albanese and the Labor Party in general has attempted to sell the Voice's purported merits, is it any wonder that a greater majority remain somewhat confused and apathetic towards the referendum itself?

More and more Australians are "over it" already, two weeks out before referendum day. They're over the relentless barrage of propaganda. They still don't really know what "chief salesman" Albanese is trying to sell them. 

If the Voice to parliament is so good and so needed by First Nations Australians, you wouldn't have the majority of First Nations elders publicly slamming it as being divisive, something that will fuel racism, and create an Apartheid like bureaucracy within our political system. 

They're right. That's exactly what it will create and become. It will divide Australia on racial grounds. A prime example of where a Voice like model has already been imposed and proven to be a calamity is Chile, where such has caused rioting and much civil unrest. 

Ending all disadvantage and discrimination against First Nations Australians must be a core policy agenda of any Australian government, from this moment onwards. I am sure the vast majority of Australians would agree with that. It can be achieved without Voice to parliament.

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