Thursday, January 12, 2017


The age of entitlement is far from over for the political class", but it seems that it's also far from over for corporations and big corporate donors to both major political parties.

Yes, all those multinationals and the very wealthiest Australians who continue to avoid paying their fair share of tax, while prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and treasurer Scott Morrison turn a blind eye to it.

The prime minister and treasurer and just about every MP who fills a chair in federal parliament knows full well that corporate tax evasion is rife and that it's eroding the federal budget to the tune of billions of dollars every single year.

Okay, all the scathing criticism and condemnation directed at MPs for travel rorts and other snout in the troth shenanigans, like what has been the undoing of federal health minister Sussan Ley, is definitely warranted.

Our parliamentarians have to be held accountable by the media and general public for over milking the public purse like Ley has been exposed as doing on multiple occasions.

But at the end of the day, what all of our politicians put together are rorting, be it "within the rules" or not, is literally peanuts.

Peanuts when compared to the amount of money which the Australian Tax Office should be collecting, but isn't collecting, from corporations, big companies and mega rich entrepreneurs.

To put an end to the age of entitlement will require a lot more than just putting the squeeze on political junkets and MPs flying first class instead of economy.

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