Federal senator wannabe Pauline Hanson typically should think before she speaks and rants to the media a lot more often than she does. Far be it from me to be a left winger,but normally I find her views on immigration and asylum seekers disconcerting and even a little unsettling.
But Hanson, even though veteran Ipswich councillor Paul Tully probably has a very different opinion, really has made some valid statements about the palpable threat posed by "rogue refugees" within the 12000 refugees from Syria which Australia has already begun to take in and resettle.
The Paris terrorist attacks prove beyond any doubt that it only takes a few rats in the pack, a few bad apples amongst the overwhelming majority, to cause a lot of death, carnage and misery, in the name of Islamism, not Islam.
Hanson errs to target Muslims and Islam, and not specifically Islamism. By doing so, she makes her own argument against Australia's Syrian refugee intake a racial argument.
The ethnicity of Syrians coming to Australia is not the issue, the issue is whether any one of them have any affiliations to Islamic State and/or belong to or actively support any Islamist group or entity anywhere across the world. Islamism is the politically interpreted and militarized adaptation of Islam which promotes violence and hatred against all non-Muslims.
Tully is pro-multiculturalism and wears that badge proudly, and supports the Muslim community around Ipswich to the hilt. Good on him for that, and I'm sure that just about every Muslim in the region is not a terrorist threat.
However, on the point of multiculturalism, what Tully and millions of other Australians have to start doing, which they are not doing already, is make a clear distinction in their mind between Islam and Islamism.
The latter is the problem. The sole aim of Islamic State and every "Islamist" group in the world is to to destroy freedom, to destroy every other religion besides Islam, to destroy culture and to destroy multiculturalism.
Muslims in Ipswich and everywhere else in Australia would help their cause a hundred fold to find acceptance with non-Muslims if they openly admitted and acknowledged that Islam is being sabotaged by Islamism and the latter must be eliminated on a global scale.
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