Monday, June 19, 2023


Property investors have every right to be very wary of staying in or going anywhere near Queensland, in the wake of rental law reforms which have basically disempowered landlords and given tenants more rights and powers than they've ever had before.

Which might work okay if a landlord is lucky enough to have good tenants renting their house. But it's a terrible outcome for landlords who are stuck with dodgy tenants, ones who are not paying their rent when they should be, ones who are causing structural damage to their home, in other words, tenants who deserve to be kicked out. 

It's morally wrong, even before you take into account the financial aspect.

Yes, "good tenants" should have rights on a par with landlords. Rights which protect them from an unannounced snap eviction and predatory above inflation increases in their rent. 

The new laws provides that, and so it should. But no, in the world of people who are in the rental market, it's not a level playing field.

Putting it bluntly, there is people out there who deserve the chance to be able to rent a house that isn't there's, and there are those who don't deserve that.

Because certain people don't respect other people's property, and landlords who only find out that their tenants are bad after they have moved in should have all the rights under the sun to terminate the lease and evict them.

Until the new laws are amended to reflect that logic then the Palaszczuk government is sending the message to property investors to give Queensland a wide berth. 

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