Thursday, June 27, 2024


Farmers across Australia are now the target of quite a few sinister globalist orchestrated agendas. 

Of course, the absolute biggy and most obvious them all is Net Zero. It spells economic ruin for both livestock and crop farmers within the next decade. It will require a people's revolution of sorts and not just a change of government in Australia to disembowel the entire mad crusade on the part of WEF sponsored politicians and "climate change bureaucrats" and stop Net Zero in its tracks. 

But that is looking ahead at least a few years. Right now, what is leading up to Net Zero is what urgently needs to be nipped in the bud. One prime example is the great potential for a "cow tax" to be imposed in Australia by the Albanese government. 

A tax on the "dreadful omissions" which come out of a cow's mouth and bum. Ludicrous and unimaginably stupid. 

A dystopian, fascist attack on beef and dairy farmers which quite likely will be supported to the hilt by turncoat former NSW Liberal environment minister Matt Kean, who has just been made the chair of Albanese's and Chris Bowen's very own Net Zero propagandist bandwagon - the Climate Change Authority. 

If the government even pilots the idea, there has to be an uprising. Not just from cattle and dairy farmers, but from everyone in regional rural Australia. 

Not with army tanks. But with having people en masse preempting what very likely is already being plotted over in Brussels and Davos by unelected globalists and making their voices heard very loud and clear with their local federal MP that nonsense like a "cow tax" is simply not on, now and forevermore.

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