Friday, October 21, 2022


A lot of families and homeless people are counting on you, Premier Palaszczuk, to come up with the goods to address the diabolical housing crisis in Queensland. 

It appears Premier that you are still passing the buck, at least to some degree, and directing blame for it at the very same crowd who are in attendance at the housing summit, namely homeless service providers and industry leaders.

That's evident by you "throwing down a housing challenge" to them. By all rights, they should be throwing it down to you. 

The buck stops with you Premier, and your housing minister, Leeanne Enoch. 

Both of you have to create the solutions in theory, practical and pragmatic ones, to address the housing crisis, which are both budget responsible and logistically achievable in the short term - not in two, three or four years time.

If you don't want the housing summit to descend into a procrastinating talkfest then you should be the ones who provide all the attendees a prospectus of what support the government will provide homeless service providers and construction companies to hastily build more houses and accommodation for desperate homeless people.

Support for them in this situation means getting rid of development application red tape.

It means providing them all the financial incentives that a state government can possibly offer, like cutting out payroll tax altogether during the construction of what should be classified as "emergency accommodation". Stamp duty on "special projects" to address the housing crisis should also be waived. 

There needs to be big incentives for any construction company, in the perilous economic times we presently live in, to essentially come to rescue of homeless people in Queensland.

If the attendees at the housing summit are the ones doing all or most of the talking, and the Premier and the housing minister aren't, then it's bound to come up way short of the Premier's own self proclaimed expectations of what it will or should achieve.

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