Thursday, September 26, 2019


Scott Morrison's soapbox jaunt in the US, in all pomp and pretention, mixing with billionaires like Gina Rinehart as well as president Donald Trump was hardly a realization and proof that our prime minister is on the level with the average Australian. 

In fact, the whole exercise painted Morrison as being an elitist, aloof, suck assing (pardon the french) lapdog of Donald Trump, to the point of making one cringe and seriously question why this man is representing Australia on the world stage, and anywhere for that matter, not just America. Morrison didn't exactly come across as the Australian leader who was there representing Australia and Australians, rather it all come across as a leader who was overwhelmingly there to placate his own ego, score a pile of brownie points with Trump, like it was all about Scott Morrison and no one else.

To add insult to Morrison's self indulgent shindig, he has pledged a precious $150 million of Australian taxpayers money to Trump's and NASA's "Mars mission fantasy", a damn lot of lucre. $150 million which could and should instead go towards something like a program in Australia to address the shocking and increasingly big problem of homelessness. 

Coming from Sydney, where homelessness is a monumental issue, you would think Morrison would be clued up enough to understand the political folly of jetting off to the United States, meeting with the president and billionaires, and throwing $150 million at a pie in the sky space program, while thousands of Australians in his own city live on the street, live in their car, eat at soup kitchens or "at best", live with their relatives because they can't afford to buy a house or even rent a house. 

That predicament is one facing at least hundreds of thousands of Australians, far and wide, and not just in Sydney. In a nutshell, Morrison is either clueless or he is simply out of sync with average Australians, including the right wing rump of the Liberal Party support base who saw Morrison, in contrast to Malcolm Turnbull, as being a champion of the conservative and middle class. Morrison proves that right wing is not conservative, or perhaps more accurately put, that you don't have to be right wing to be conservative. 

When Morrison comes back to earth and actually starts to genuinely care about addressing problems which are plaguing Australians, like homelessness, like housing affordability, like chronic hyper-unemployment, and when it's not just about him promoting himself to journalists and the media when he is standing in front of a camera, then in all objectivity, I might develop a different opinion of him. Until then, in all objectivity, I can't.

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