Tuesday, August 6, 2019


The decision made by Wollongong council in NSW to "outlaw 5G" within its jurisdiction says a lot about the conveniently avoided and very tangible dangers of 5G technology. 

Not that the big telcos in Australia, who by next year it is envisaged will dump 5G on mobile phone and wireless computer users, whether they like it or not, are broadcasting or warning the general public about very compelling and substantiated scientific research which draws an undeniable parallel between extremely high and concentrated 5G radiowaves and some very adverse and detrimental health problems to humans. 

4G, which has saturated the airwaves since around 2011, is bad enough, but 5G is much more concerning. It's proven, It's fact, It's not pseudo quack science. 

To operate, 5G creates a much more intense non-ionizing radiation footprint, which even though not ionizing, as in what results from a nuclear power plant accident, is still alarmingly scary. 

Why aren't more governments and councils adopting the stance of Wollongong council on 5G - already? Why also aren't a lot more people in the general public greatly concerned about the imminent 5G rollout in Australia, especially mums and dads with little kids who likely will be exposed to 5G radiation, every time they use a wireless device, be it a laptop or iPhone, at school or at home when they are doing their homework. 

Let's get our priorities in order. Yes, the world runs on computers, without them it would shut down, and most people need and want a mobile phone. But for the sake of allowing robots to react in a millisecond instead of a "whopping 60 milliseconds" (jokes jokes), is it worth lumbering our airspace, our heads and our critical tissue with 5G? The answer is NO.

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