Friday, July 22, 2016


Sonia Kruger probably could have and should have chosen her words a little more carefully. Her controversial comments on Channel 9's The Today Show about Muslim migration to Australia, and suggesting the Turnbull government should ban it altogether holus bolus, has certainly rattled a lot of cages, and drawn condemnation from some big name journalists and politicians alike.



But let us not forget one thing - we live in a democracy, or we "supposedly" do. Kruger expressed an opinion which clearly wasn't intended to be racist, she said she wanted to see Muslim migration to Australia stopped, not Muslim Arab, Muslim Persian or Muslim African migration stopped. A big difference.



Like millions of Australians do as well, Kruger fears Islamist extremism and the great potential for it to spring up in Australia.



As she said after she appeared on The Today Show, she come out and said that as a mother herself, and knowing that many young children and babies were among the dead arising from the latest terrorist atrocity in France, she wants Muslim migration to Australia stopped, out of genuine fear of what "some" Muslims are capable of - anywhere in the world nowadays.



Anybody who is not blinded by political correctness and their own misguided defense of Islamism, if they were not lying, and saw Kruger say what she did on TV, would have to admit that the views she expressed were definitely not racist.




It's about time that all the Paul Syvret's of this world woke up to themselves, drew a line in the sand between race and religion as far as Islam goes, and accept the fact that not all Muslims are Islamists but all Islamists are Muslims.

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