Friday, June 17, 2016


The ban on the serving of high alcohol "shots" after midnight at licensed premises in Queensland which the Palaszczuk Government has just imposed is what you call responsible social policy.



The nightclub and pub lobby inevitably is going to be jumping up on the soapbox, claiming that this regulatory crackdown, which is a noble attempt to at least reduce public, alcohol fueled violence, is a stretch too far and needless nanny state interference that will have a very negative commercial impact on their industry.



But really, that argument won't stack up to very much objective and pragmatic scrutiny. It's not as though the new regulations are going to stop people going out to pubs and nightclubs, having a good time and drinking alcohol to the point of being carefree and tipsy, if they so choose to want to do so.



The vast majority of people who have been patronizing nightclubs and pubs up until now are not going to stop doing so because a few highly alcoholic beverages are now a no-go zone after midnight.



The new regulations simply are aimed at stopping very hazardous binge drinking on the part of people who by that time of the night are already intoxicated or near to that point and who could quite possibly lose the plot and become violent or aggressive.



Logically, a shot of spirits which has an undiluted alcohol content of between say 30 to 50% is going to exacerbate the potential violent and aggressive actions of somebody who is very intoxicated and wanting to "pick a fight" with someone a lot more than a light or mid strength beer, or a standard glass of low alcohol wine - like Moscato for example.



Instead of whinging and kicking against the pricks over the new post-midnight drink regime, nightclub and pub owners should jump on board, modify their drinks menu, and publicly support it.



The new regulations might well in fact promote people who have previously gone out clubbing and pubbing to intentionally "get smashed" to start drinking alcohol responsibly.

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