Friday, May 6, 2016


I am grassroots and community focussed. I am 100% independent with absolutely no affiliations to any political party or self interest group.



I will represent ALL residents of Somerset equally, no matter who they are or where they live.



From Linville in the north to Glamorganvale in the south, and everywhere across the length and width of the Somerset region, I will always remain a "people's councillor" - grounded, unaffected and on the same page as the constituents I represent.



Somerset Regional Council needs new blood, new ideas and reinvigoration - and as councillor I can offer the residents of Somerset exactly that.



I am not going to promise the world and pledge to fix all the things in Somerset that need fixing - I will leave that to the politicians.



As a genuine, honest person, what I pledge to you is that I will be a strong advocate for common sense and logical decision making by the councillor team and the mayor-elect, and to always remain fully autonomous in my role as councillor.



Meaning I will always vote in council as an individual and according to what I believe is ethical and in the best interests of Somerset as a whole.



Somerset badly needs some economic stimulus, I am very much a proponent for less red tape, less "by-law overkill" and much less in the way of council fees and charges to make Somerset a much more attractive region for small business owners and entrepreneurs to set up shop here.



I will stick to my guns as councillor to push for a review of all "contentious" by-laws which in plain English are unreasonable, illogical and in some cases - simply anti-enterprise.



I am a big advocate for event and eco-tourism in Somerset, council needs to develop a proper marketing plan to "sell Somerset to the world", as councillor, I will proactively push for that until there is a plan in place.



The current state of council administered roads is definitely on my radar, the residents of Somerset, no matter where they live, at the very least deserve a reasonably well maintained road for the rates they pay, not a "cobblestone goat track". 



As councillor, I will make demands that all roads which are identified as being substandard (or worse) are given priority funding allocation for much needed repairs or maintenance.



I will not turn a blind to it. To conclude, I would just like to say that above all, as councillor, I will do everything I can to ensure that every town and locality in the Somerset region is represented equally and gets a fair share of the pie.

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