Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Right now somewhere in Syria, ISIS jihadist psychopaths are using little kids, as young as eight, to carry out point blank executions of innocent civilians in a deranged game of hide and seek, their only sin being they are Christian or Shiite Muslim and wont convert to ISIS's warped and brutal brand of Islam.

They are mad, they are insane and they are monsters. It's not the politically correct thing to say but I'm going to say it - they are not human. They are the incarnation of "something else in human form".


ISIS represents the purest of all evil and military action, as in air strikes and strategic ground force deployment across Syria, is now a necessary evil to eliminate ISIS on its home turf.

Sadly, as is now very well substantiated, ISIS has managed to snake its way into Thailand and Afghanistan, with the leaders of this despicable bandwagon already making the pledge through its global propaganda network to carry out terrorist attacks in Thailand and to literally take over Afghanistan in the near future.

Africa's ISIS "sub-branch", Boko Haram, has already annexed so much of northern Africa. ISIS has succeeded in gaining traction outside the Middle East. No BS, either ISIS is killed off ASAP in every region of the world where it has invaded or the free world will be fighting these lunatics until doomsday.

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